Bert Brodsky Receives CCNY Townsend Harris Medal
Bert E. Brodsky, chairman of Sandata Technologies and the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America, has been awarded the Townsend Harris Medal for 2005 by the Alumni Association and City College of New York (CCNY). Mr. Brodsky has also been appointed a regional member of New York State’s Commission on Health Care Facilities in the 21st Century by New York State Senate Majority Leader Joseph Bruno at the recommendation of New York State Senator Kemp Hannon.
Each year the Alumni Association of CCNY awards the Townsend Harris Medal to graduates who represent the outstanding achievements alumni have made in their chosen fields. Medalists include such luminaries as Justice Felix Frankfurter, Jonas Salk, and Secretary of State Colin Powell.
Greg Williams, president of the City College of New York, stated, “Bert’s enormous contributions to the field of healthcare, as the founder of both Sandata Technologies and National Medical Health Card Systems, offers a powerful role model for the students of CCNY. Both of these companies have helped reshape healthcare through pioneering technologies that dramatically improve the quality and delivery of care to patients nationwide. In addition, his assistance in financing and establishing the Dean James Peace Professorship will be an incalculable benefit to the already sterling academic environment of the City College.”
The Commission on Health Care Facilities in the 21st Century is a broad based, non-partisan panel which examines the needs and capacities of the health care system and makes recommendations to the Governor’s office and the New York State legislature to improve hospitals and nursing homes within the state. The Commission on Health Care Facilities in the 21st Century was created as part of the New York State 2005-06 budget. It is comprised of 18 statewide members, as well as 36 regional members. Mr. Brodsky is one of 6 regional members selected from Long Island…
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